You’ve managed to find, my semi-personal site where (if I can get a minute) I write some random musings, mostly about trying to figure out how to use anything with an electronic “maker” feel to it, from Arduino’s to the Raspberry Pi and everything in between! I’ve now got a published make under my belt which was showcased on hackaday, the adafruit blog, and others. I also write about other things, including the amount of stuff I buy from eBay and Amazon (purely to shame me into using it), and my attempts at software development (both online with PHP and offline, with Swift, Python and Office-based scripting languages).
There is not a lot else you need to know, except that I like amazingly taken photos (of which I have none – another hobby I want to get started with), good grammar (of which I’m particularly bad at), beautiful typography (which, lets face it, can make or break a lot of presentations), and the odd movie and TV Show (which I never have time to watch).
Im a semi-private person. The majority of my posts here are well vetted, and hopefully only contain information I’m happy to share.
I like to dabble in both front end and back end web development every now and then.
I’m more than happy for you to contact me if theres anything else you need to know. Just reach out to me on twitter.