People often don’t realise how versatile PHP and its add-on’s, including Imagik can be. I’ve used the following code in the past, and again recently, and I always receive comments on how nicely created invitations are. Its the personal touch that does it!
Firstly, I created an invitation using the awesome Pixelmator for Mac. You can use Gimp or Photoshop, or whatever takes your fancy, but what your looking for is a nice invitation with room for peoples names, like this:
(I’ve saved this as a PNG file)
Next up, some pre-processing work is required. I’ll go into this stuff in more detail in future blog posts, but what you want to do is set up a LAMP install (Linux, Apache, MySql and PHP). Make sure you have Imagik installed. You then want to install PHPMyAdmin, and create a database and one table with 2 columns (ID and Name).
ID | Name |
1 | Nick T |
2 | Mr. A. N. Other |
You can then plop the following code into your root directory, customise as needed, and away you go!
<?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","USERNAME","PASSWORD","DATABASENAME"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } // Database connection has passed, now to select ALL the data from the Table "NAME" $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM name"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) //Grab everything and put it into an array { //Start the loop $image = new Imagick('siteinfo.png'); //The name of the background image $draw = new ImagickDraw(); //Tell imagick were going to draw on this image $draw->setGravity (Imagick::GRAVITY_CENTER); //Centre our Text $draw->setFillColor('black'); //Set the font colour to BLACK $draw->setFont("/var/www/skia.ttf"); //Load the font we want to use $draw->setFontSize( 40 ); //Set our font size $text = $row['name']; //Place the name into a variable $image->annotateImage($draw, 240, -150, 0, $text); //Write this name into the image at the location specified $image->setImageFormat('jpg'); //Tell imagick were going to save it as a JPG $name = $row['id'] . ".jpg"; //Give it the file name of its ROW in the database $image->writeImages($name, TRUE); //Save it to the root folder (where the script was ran) } //Lather, Rinse, Repeat! mysqli_close($con); //Close the MySQL connection ?>
One of the important functions in the above script is the
$image->annotateImage($draw, 240, -150, 0, $text); //Write this name into the image at the location specified
Using the awesome documentation online at, you find out that the 3 numbers, in order mean X position, Y position and angle. Angle is set to 0 because I don’t want the text angled. A nice straight line of text. The X position relates to where in the image the text is placed horizontally, and the Y relates to the vertical position. There was no hard and fast way to figure out those numbers, so I played about with them until I was happy. There is more than likely a function already created, or you could write your own that works out the exact location, but for my needs, a little bit of guessing with a small sample yielded pretty good results!
After running that PHP file, you get this at the other end:


The above took less than 1 second to produce, once the script was ran. I used this to create over 60 invites, and that took around 10 seconds of script execution time! (If I remember, I’ll put in a timer to see how long exactly it took. Bare in mind this was completed on the Ubuntu Laptop – which isn’t exactly a powerhouse!)
I’m fully aware that there was probably a workflow for Automator on the Mac which I could have used – but its nice to keep the PHP skills going for little things like this!
UPDATE: Using the 2 names above, the script was executed in 0.74 seconds – This is on a Dual Core Intel(R) CPU T1400 @ 1.73GHz with 1Gb of RAM.
UPDATE 2: Using 59 names from the database, the script was executed in 6.01 seconds. Not bad!