Another period of time off. Another time for me to think “I better start writing something”. Another period of me looking for some other blogging platform that isn’t WP before I realise I’m just procrastinating.
I finally decided to check in and actually make sure everything was up to date in here. I’m going to go back through my old posts and fix any mistakes I see.
I know a handful of people have stumbled on to this site – probably when they see the email address. A few thousand when I hit hackaday with this post – but generally I know this isn’t read. And to be honest – it makes it a bit more cathartic. It’s almost like just being able to get thoughts and words down. Im still cogent to the fact it may be read – so I’ll not be as free flowing and loose but finally realising that this is an outlet – I think – will help me write more.
I’ve a few saved drafts here I kept meaning to get round to writing. I’ve a few posts I want to write that have been stuck at the back of my mind for a while. I’ll procrastinate a bit more and clean up what I can before I put fingertips to keycaps.