Hello world!

Raspberry Pi connected to Ethernet, HDMI and a USB Memory stick, booting from an SD Card.

Hello World. Thats the default name of this post title. Hello World is quite an important saying when it comes to computers. Generally, the first program you learn to write with a new programming language is a “Hello World!” example. I’ve done it countless times for various different languages. It immediately gives you some feedback that what your doing is working. Hardware is no different. A simple “Hello World!” program can consist of flashing an LED. Arduino’s even come with one built in!

It seems fitting, then that the first post of this blog is entitled Hello World. This blog is here mainly for me to remember what I’ve done, and how I’ve done it. If other people find it useful along the way, then brilliant. I’ll be charting my exploits with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, basic Electronics, even some programming away from the above devices. I’ll obviously be talking about languages that are used for Arduino, an implementation of the Wiring Programming language, a simplified version of C++. Python and C++ can be used for the Raspberry Pi amongst others. Then theres a web development side, which includes using PHP.

I’m starting this blog with a smudged slate. It’s not completely clean, as I’ve messed about with various things before. But I’m no expert. Defiantly no expert.

So, onwards an upwards. If you do find this blog, and find it interesting,  or helpful, please register and leave a comment on one of the posts. I’d appreciate it!




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